Singing Guide: The Tymes

Singing Guide: The Tymes

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Tymes are an American soul vocal group from Philadelphia. The Tymes formed in the early 1960s, they became one of the most influential soul groups of that era. They were known for their romantic ballads that had a perfect blend of doo-wop and soul. Disco hit-makers such as Chic and Kool & The Gang cited them as an influence. Their vocal style was a rich mixture of falsetto tones and gospel inspired harmonies. In this article, we will look at the unique vocal techniques that made The Tymes famous, examine their top tracks, and show you how to sing like The Tymes using practical tips and Singing Carrots resources.

If you want to sing like The Tymes, you need to focus on the unique vocal techniques of falsetto, vibrato, and harmonies. To achieve the falsetto tones, you need to focus on increasing your vocal range. You can try the Vocal Range Test tool on Singing Carrots to determine your range. You can then practice exercises such as Humming to help you increase your vocal range.

The Tymes were also known for their vibrato technique. Vibrato is the natural fluctuation of pitch that happens when singers hold a note. To master vibrato, you need to improve your breath control, diaphragm support, and relaxation. You can use Singing Carrots' resource on Breath Support to improve your breath control. You can also try the Diaphragm Bounce exercise on Singing Carrots, which is a great way to practice your vibrato.

The Tymes also had excellent harmonies, singing in perfect syncopation with each other. To achieve harmonies like The Tymes, you can focus on training your ear by using Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test tool. This tool will help you to develop your pitch, which is essential when singing with others.

Let's take a closer look at some of The Tymes' top songs and the unique vocal techniques used in each:

  • So Much in Love - One of their biggest hits, this song showcases The Tymes' vocal harmonies with a beautiful blend of dissonance and consonance. The falsetto tones in the "Ba Ba Ba Ba" refrain and the vibrato in the verses give this song an ethereal quality.
  • Wonderful! Wonderful! - This song has a prominent guitar riff backed by The Tymes' signature falsetto tones. The harmonies in this song are fantastic, with a range of different keys and voice types blending together perfectly.
  • Ms. Grace - The distinct horn section gives this song a unique flair, but the harmonies and falsetto tones are still very much present. The chorus is catchy and upbeat, with the vocals really shining through.

To sing like The Tymes, you also need to master the basics of good singing technique. You can find these basics in Singing Carrots' Singing for Beginners course. This course covers everything from warmups to breath control to vowel formation, all essential elements to help you sing like the greats.

In conclusion, to sing like The Tymes, you need to focus on your falsetto range, vibrato technique, and vocal harmonies. You can achieve this through Singing Carrots resources such as the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool, Twang Exercise, and Singing Comfort Zone video. With practice, patience, and the right resources, you can develop your voice and sing like the legends.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.